Standard Terms and Conditions of Membership
The applicant (or the parent or guardian of the applicant under 18 years of age on behalf of the applicant) hereby applies for membership at Bedfordview Country Club (football section) hereby also referred to as BCC Football Club for the duration of the 2025 Season (February 2025 to September 2025), and agrees (should the application be accepted):
1. That the details specified on this form are accurate and correct.
2. That the applicant will abide by the rules, Constitution and Codes of conduct of BCC and the sections/sporting disciplines in respect of which he/she wishes to become a member.
3. That the applicant will assist BCC in the development of sportsmanship and behave in a manner as per the code of conduct.
4. That coaching will be left to the coaches.
5. That all sporting activities arising from his/her membership BCC are undertaken at the members own risk.
6. That I hereby indemnify and hold harmless the Bedfordview Country Club inclusive of the soccer section and each of its officers and Employees against any claim, damage, injury and/or loss which I and/or my child may sustain by virtue of any conduct, transport arrangements and/or sports injury which may arise whilst my aforementioned child participates in sport for and on behalf of the Club. The Designated official/s of the Club may act in Loco parentis of my child as required.
7. That the member will pay the fees and/or agree in writing with the Club Secretary terms on which to pay the fees specified on this form for membership at the Club. The member acknowledges that he/she is aware that the Club fee is non-refundable. Fees incurred on acceptance of the applicant and will not be refunded to the applicant in the event of the applicant terminating his/her membership before the end of the season.
8. That the membership shall be renewed annually.
9. That failure to pay the fees specified on this form and by the rules, Constitution and Codes of conduct of BCC may result in interest being charged or as a final step, the termination of membership of the Club, in which event the applicant will remain liable for payment of all fees due at the date of termination.
10. That no member will receive a clearance or transfer letter from BCC should there be outstanding fees payable by the member.
11. That team and individual photographs may be used for BCC Social media; BCC
Facebook page and BCC Website.
12. Players will not be allowed to play in the league or receive kit unless all the required documents have been received by the Club and all fees are paid.
13. That I agree to pay as liquidated damages to the Club the amount of money imposed on the Club as a fine (or such pro-rata share as the Club Committee may determine), by any competent body which shall have the authority to impose such fine as a result of the misconduct Of either myself and/or my child or any other member of my family, of whose misconduct | acknowledge the Club Committee to be the sole and absolute judge. I also understand that notwithstanding the fact that I have registered my child with Bedfordview Country Club Football section, and that the Football Section cannot guarantee that my child will play a match every week.
14. Fraudulent documentation will result in players being banned from BCC and Easterns indefinitely and no registration fees will be refunded.
15. Players will not be allowed to partake in tournaments if a minimum of R1900.00 has not been paid towards registration fees.
16. Enquiries can be sent to the Club Secretary Luisa Dos Santos –
This Code of Conduct is binding on all players, parents, and guardians associated with BCC Football Club (“the Club”). By participating in the activities of the Club, all parties confirm their agreement to the following terms. Breach of this Code may result in disciplinary action, including suspension or termination of membership.
As a registered player of BCC Football Club, I hereby undertake and agree:
1.1. To adhere to the laws of the game and the rules set by the Club and relevant governing bodies.
1.2. To respect the authority of referees, match officials, and Club management and officials at all times.
1.3. To actively acquire knowledge of the rules of the game and adhere to them during play.
1.4. To exhibit good sportsmanship, playing fairly and within the spirit of the game.
1.5. To refrain from physical or verbal abuse, intentional foul play, or unsportsmanlike behaviour.
1.6. To treat teammates, opponents, and spectators with respect and courtesy.
1.7. To respect the rules, regulations, cultures and practices of other clubs and players.
1.8. To refrain from bullying, harassment, or discriminatory behaviour of any kind.
1.9. To offer encouragement and support to teammates, fostering a positive and inclusive team environment.
1.10. To follow the instructions and strategies provided by the Coach and Club management.
1.11. To attend all practices, matches, and team meetings as scheduled unless prior arrangements have been made with the Coach or Club management.
1.12. To take care of Club facilities, equipment, and property, leaving them in good condition after use.
1.13. To wear the official Club uniform with pride and ensure it is kept clean and in good condition.
1.14. To act as a positive ambassador for the Club, upholding its reputation both on and off the field.
1.15. To ensure that my conduct will not bring the game of football, nor the Club in disrepute.
As a parent or guardian of a player, younger than 18 years, registered with BCC Football Club (“the Club”), I hereby undertake and agree:
1.1. To collaborate with the Coach and Club management in matters of discipline relating to my child.
1.2. To take the necessary steps to ensure my child understands and abides by the Player Code of Conduct.
1.3. To assist my child in understanding the rules of the game and the importance of playing within them.
1.4. To demonstrate respect towards opposition teams and players, as well as my child’s team, Club and team management.
1.5. To refrain from engaging in any form of verbal or physical abuse towards any person.
1.6. To remain off the pitch during games and practices unless explicitly authorised by the Coach or Club management.
1.7. To abstain from coaching from the sidelines or directing criticism at players, spectators, match officials or Club management during games or training sessions.
1.8. To refrain from publicly criticising the Coach, team and Club management and, instead, address any concerns directly with the Coach or Club management in person or in writing.
1.9. To support the Club by attending its events and activities whenever possible.
1.10. To ensure my child arrives punctually for all scheduled practices and matches.
1.11. To abide by the decisions and policies of the Coach and Club management concerning football and or Club related matters.
1.12. To contribute to the maintenance and enhancement of the Club’s facilities.
1.13. To ensure all fees, dues, and other financial obligations to the Club are paid in full and on time.
1.14. To conduct myself with respect and courtesy in all forms of communication, including electronic and social media platforms.
1.15. To ensure that my conduct will not bring the game of football, nor the Club in disrepute.